sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014


-Serial circuits 

In a series circuit receivers are installed next to each other in the power line, so that the current through the first one is the same as that through the latter. To install a new element in series in a circuit have to cut the cable and each of the terminals connect to the receiver generated. 

-Parallel circuit 
In a parallel circuit each receiver connected to the power supply it is independently of the other; everyone has their own line, even if part of that line that is common to all. To attach a new receiver in parallel, add a new line connected to the terminals of the lines that are already in the circuit.

-Voltage drop in a receiver 

A new concept linked to stress appears. When we have more than one receiver connected in series in a circuit, if we measure the volts at the ends of each of the receivers we can see that the measure is not the same if those have different resistances. Measurement of volts at the ends of the call receiver each voltage drop. 

-The current in the series circuit and parallel 

A very fast way of identifying a circuit in series of other parallel flow is IMAGINE electrons through one of the receptors, whether to return to the stack through the receiver, the electrons must pass through another receptor, the circuit is in series; if the electrons reach only through the selected receiver, the circuit is parallel. 

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